This entry is incomplete please fill it up and try again.
The Connection Tool name found in your configuration is now invalid. Please make sure the tool is in your Extension folder.
The Configuration of the Connection Tool in your Configuration seem to be corrupted please reconfigure your connection tool.
Sorry, verify that the Organization, Username, Password combination you provided is valid or not already in use.
Sorry, Unable to Establish the connection with the Server. Please make sure your settings are valid and Contact your hi-BBS administrator.
Could not find your MailBox! Please report this error to your hi-BBS Administrator!
Please check that the Organization you specified is available on the hi-BBS server you're calling and call you hi-BBS Administrator.
The Organization your Specified could not be found on the Server. Please make sure your settings are valid and report this error to your hi-BBS Administrator!
The Connection has been Lost.
There is no File Tranfer Tool on this system.
Cannot start the file transfer!
Incomplete Memo! Please open it and complete it before trying again.
Since no Connection is Active at the moment this Memo will be placed in your Out Basket!
No Files Found in the Section.
The Communication ToolBox is not Installed on this System!
Sorry, You can't close this document while Receiving it.
Please select a file first!
You must specify a subject first!
Sorry, this volume is not presently available on Server!
You cannot Delete this Folder!
Please Select a Memo in your out Box!
Please Establish Connection First!
The Following Name(s) not Found on Server:
Sorry, an error occured with the Communication Manager.
FTManager doesn't accept configuration. You should modify resource TEXT #128 or remove it to get default settings.
Sorry, this login name already exists on the BBS. Please try another login name!
Please complete the minimum information (Bold Fields) in order to register!
Sorry, your old password is incorrect. Please start again!
The confirmation password was not the same as the first. Please start over.
You have changed your current printer. Please choose “^1” before printing.